Paul Rubin
2015-11-28 20:40:52 UTC
[Note to whoever: this continues a discussion about functional
programming that started on comp.lang.ada but got off-topic for that
group so I've migrated it here. Please don't crosspost unless there's
significant Ada content in your post.]
grade school. I assume I'm explaining it to a professional trying to do
high-assurance programming so of course that's the definition I'd use.
Treating the above as Haskell code that purports to compute the
factorial, it's easier to reason about than the imperative loop version:
Let P(n) be the proposition "fact(n)=n!". We want to verify that P(n)
is true for all n. We prove it by induction. First, P(1) is obviously
true. Second, assume P(n) is true. So by substitution, fact(n+1) =
(n+1) * fact(n). And since P(n) is true by the induction hypothesis,
fact(n+1) = (n+1) * n! which is (n+1)!, which means we've proved P(n) =>
P(n+1). Therefore by induction, forall n. P(n), QED, so we've verified
the code, and this was very easy.
I'm out of my depth here, but I think to do the same thing with
imperative code is much messier, you have to put preconditions and
postconditions around every statement to prove the loop invariant that
you're going through factorials, etc. I guess you can do that with
SPARK but I don't know how it's done.
At the level of everyday coding though, going from loops to recursion is
nothing to be bothered about, trust me. It's like when people freak out
by whitespace as syntax when they first see Python, or by the
parentheses when they first see Lisp. You get used to it quickly and it
stops mattering. Or anyway, if it's really an obstacle, FP probably
isn't for you.
magic in Javascript: JIT compilation, garbage collection, built-in
objects that make RPC calls, etc. But there's zillions of
not-so-experienced Javascript programmers writing crappy web pages all
over the the world, who never think about that stuff and have never
heard of an accumulator. A programmer with deep knowledge doing
bleeding edge systems has to understand what the machine is doing, but
someone just trying to bang out everyday tasks can usually stay at the
high level. No accumulators.
might be easier to start one way or the other, but either way you pick
up more technique as you gain experience. By the time you're evaluating
different approaches to formal software verification (what this thread
was originally about), you're outside the range of what most
10-year-olds are capable of doing, so it's reasonable to assume more
work has been done on this stuff (Data Parallel Haskell is inspired by
Blelloch's NESL nested parallel work):
There is also an array library with GPU support:
ok with just the online docs and the irc channel, plus hacking code.
Thanks though. I might look at some online math classes sometime.
programming that started on comp.lang.ada but got off-topic for that
group so I've migrated it here. Please don't crosspost unless there's
significant Ada content in your post.]
For example, if you wanted to explain the factorial to a student who
has never been exposed to the concept, chances are that your first
approach wouldn't be to write on a blackboard
"fact 1 = 1 -- [order of these two lines switched by me -Paul]
fact n = n * fact (n-1)"
But that's the mathematical definition of the factorial--this isn'thas never been exposed to the concept, chances are that your first
approach wouldn't be to write on a blackboard
"fact 1 = 1 -- [order of these two lines switched by me -Paul]
fact n = n * fact (n-1)"
grade school. I assume I'm explaining it to a professional trying to do
high-assurance programming so of course that's the definition I'd use.
Treating the above as Haskell code that purports to compute the
factorial, it's easier to reason about than the imperative loop version:
Let P(n) be the proposition "fact(n)=n!". We want to verify that P(n)
is true for all n. We prove it by induction. First, P(1) is obviously
true. Second, assume P(n) is true. So by substitution, fact(n+1) =
(n+1) * fact(n). And since P(n) is true by the induction hypothesis,
fact(n+1) = (n+1) * n! which is (n+1)!, which means we've proved P(n) =>
P(n+1). Therefore by induction, forall n. P(n), QED, so we've verified
the code, and this was very easy.
I'm out of my depth here, but I think to do the same thing with
imperative code is much messier, you have to put preconditions and
postconditions around every statement to prove the loop invariant that
you're going through factorials, etc. I guess you can do that with
SPARK but I don't know how it's done.
At the level of everyday coding though, going from loops to recursion is
nothing to be bothered about, trust me. It's like when people freak out
by whitespace as syntax when they first see Python, or by the
parentheses when they first see Lisp. You get used to it quickly and it
stops mattering. Or anyway, if it's really an obstacle, FP probably
isn't for you.
In any case, if you are using a machine which can only perform one
binary operation at a time, you will always need an accumulator to
compute the final result.
I think that's an advanced, low level concept though. There's tons ofbinary operation at a time, you will always need an accumulator to
compute the final result.
magic in Javascript: JIT compilation, garbage collection, built-in
objects that make RPC calls, etc. But there's zillions of
not-so-experienced Javascript programmers writing crappy web pages all
over the the world, who never think about that stuff and have never
heard of an accumulator. A programmer with deep knowledge doing
bleeding edge systems has to understand what the machine is doing, but
someone just trying to bang out everyday tasks can usually stay at the
high level. No accumulators.
I would gladly challenge this claim by picking two large groups of 10
years old who have never been exposed to imperative programming yet,
I don't really know about this and it doesn't concern me too much. Ityears old who have never been exposed to imperative programming yet,
might be easier to start one way or the other, but either way you pick
up more technique as you gain experience. By the time you're evaluating
different approaches to formal software verification (what this thread
was originally about), you're outside the range of what most
10-year-olds are capable of doing, so it's reasonable to assume more
I'm writing programs for massively parallel GPU processors, and last
time I checked Blelloch's scan was still one of the most efficient
That's outside my area and maybe a niche, but I know some Haskell and FPtime I checked Blelloch's scan was still one of the most efficient
work has been done on this stuff (Data Parallel Haskell is inspired by
Blelloch's NESL nested parallel work):
There is also an array library with GPU support:
Well, I'm learning OCaml using a pretty nice MOOC which has been set
up by my former university. If you're interested the address is
Ocaml is close enough to what I've been doing already that I think I'mup by my former university. If you're interested the address is
ok with just the online docs and the irc channel, plus hacking code.
Thanks though. I might look at some online math classes sometime.